Suppose I could show you in 3 easy steps how to achieve those search engine rankings you want so badly, and how you can do this over and over again, and just keep repeating the process of cranking in money every day–
Imagine.. Every website you ever produce starts ranking at the top of the search engines for those keyword phrases that most webmasters can only dream about.
While others are spending hundreds of dollars on pay-per-click advertising campaigns, and tossing their hard-earned money out the window advertising in ezines and newsletters, you are going to be producing website after money-making website, and saving hundreds of dollars per year doing it!
There’s no longer any need for you to hand code all of your websites, spending hour after hour producing one page at a time when you can now produce empire after empire in a matter of a few very short hours.
Take a look at this website. It was built using the KSEO website builder. This site has multiple Adsense Ads on it, it has Search feed ads, affiliate ads, Kontera ads, and Revenue Pilot ads. It is now a PR3 site which has happened organically without me even trying to drive traffic to it except for writing a few articles and implementing the bonus link exchange script (included with your purchase).
It has multiple RSS feeds coming in. The site RSS feed has been submitted to some RSS directories. The KSEO website builder makes it so easy to add pages to this site as well. I have multiple sites like this, each focusing on a different niche market. It takes no time at all to put a site like that together.
The Killer SEO Website Builder System is a PHP program that is used to produce highly targeted traffic, rank like a banshee in all of the major search engines, and do that without all of the work involved.
You see, when you find something that’s working and producing the kind of results you want, you simply keep doing that very same thing over and over again and producing more and more cash flow.
I found what it takes to get top rankings in the search engines, and I did that without adding any search engine spamming techniques or anything the search engines would find illegal.
Once I found what was working (and working very well I might add), I simply had it reproduced in PHP, and it gave me the ability to produce many different websites in a matter of a few short hours, instead of spending weeks to do the very same thing.